From the Tropical Bird Forest to the Tunnel of Love, explore the themes of nature, tolerance, love and color brought to life in Zuidoost’s tunnels.
Many students, other residents and visitors have expressed feeling unsafe when cycling or walking through the Bijlmer’s characteristic tunnels. Over the last year, Zuidoost Council among others have made these tunnels more attractive with diverse street art commissions. Believing that everyone has a right to beauty, we have brought together existing knowledge and connections with the perspective of students to map a cycle route through the tunnels which follows the images and ideas they bring to life.

‘I thought it was nice to cycle through the Nelson Mandela Park. I had been there before, but never with my bicycle. I noticed that the atmosphere was different from times I had come in the past’’
Candice, student
‘We waren hier allebei al vaker geweest dus we wisten ook wat we konden verwachten. Zo hadden we beiden goede herinneringen aan uitjes naar Pathé en plekken zoals de AFAS-life en de Ziggo Dome. Ook had ik al vaker heerlijk sushi gegeten bij restaurant ichi-e, dat zich naast het station bevindt.
Aan de andere kant van het station zijn nog meer barretjes te vinden. Deze zagen er, ondanks dat ze allemaal gesloten waren, ook erg uitnodigend uit. We kregen weer helemaal zin om lekker op een terrasje te gaan zitten.’’
Paula, student
‘’The Amsterdamse Poort (including the market) is a great place to discover the food of other cultures as there are many restaurants or foodstalls to buy specialities from Suriname, Ghana, Vietnam, China etc. I saw planty of cool food stalls at the market which is fantastic, as I saw certain food I have never seen before, the atmosphere is also very nice at the market.’’
Xavier, student